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Young onset

I was 31 when I was diagnosed
Is there anyone else that young in here?
I’m 40 now

  1. Hi Tony. Yes, I am also a "young onsetter". I was diagnosed at 29, now 45. There are a few of us here. How were you diagnosed? What were your first symptoms?

    Regards, Kelly, Team Member

    1. My pinky tremors and a lot of non motor symptoms

      1. Hi Tony,
        I am also a young onsetter. I was diagnosed at 32 now 52. I met and married another Parky who was diagnosed at 32 now 55. There are actually quite a few of us out here in the nooks and crannies of world. A lot more I am afraid than I would like. The non motor symptoms were a pain for me early on to really understand 20 years ago. We have come a long way in at least being able to realize that they exist and identy them. My husband started with pinky tremors. Do you find that stress makes them worse? is a a great community to have landed!

        Blessings, Gretchen, ParkinsonsDisease.Net Team Member

        1. Thanks 🙏

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