What Scares Me

I've been having increasing difficulty getting out of bed at night and just generally having trouble moving in bed. I have a bed cane and that helps, but I feel my body getting weaker, so I have to pull myself up using my arms, and this puts strain on my shoulders. I have osteoarthritis too with shoulder pain and left hip pain from a left hip replacement.


I am so afraid of losing my independence. I'm afraid of getting stuck trying to get out of bed. And lastly I dread the thought of being alone the rest of my life. I also have agoraphobia and am afraid of not being able to walk, which I love.

The positives

On the positive side, I do an exercise video twice a week that helps with these problems as well as PT exercises I do every day. I also live in a senior building with very nice people and many activities. Thanks for listening, and I look forward to reading from you.

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