CO poisoning

I have been living with severe Parkinson's syndrome for thirty years. When I was 18, depression left me with the feeling that there was no other way out but suicide. Following the poisoning, I was incompletely rehabilitated at the nearest hospital with a hyperbaric chamber. I gradually improved to the point where I was able to complete my college coursework actually walking around the large urban campus of UW-Milwaukee. This may not sound like a tremendous feat, but where I had come from...monumental!

From then until now, however, I have fallen. Not just literally, hundreds of times, but also as in "Oh how the mighty have fallen!" I now get around the house on my hands and knees. I am not strong enough to manipulate a wheelchair. But, miraculously, I still can take care of myself for the most part. I mean, I don't cook; that would not be safe. I could wash my clothes, but I don't have to. And I don't shop for groceries. All other self care I am still able to handle. A strong spirit, I suppose. I am ready to go, as soon as the Good Lord says so, though. My, I am so tired. Unless someone comes up with a cure for this horrible thing that has taken the best years of my life, I am ready to give up the ghost!

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