Be Careful of What You Ask For

While the Title leads you to negative thoughts, in reality it was just the opposite. I had asked to be seen by a full fledged Neurologist, not a student from University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). I was tired of being seen by 4 different students in as many visits. Only the basic exam of walk, close your eyes, etc, type of exam; and willingly to prescribe any medication they were allowed to. In my request, I identified this as "not the community standards of care" or "continuity of care". I got what I asked for and a whole lot more.

Full exam

After spending one and one-half hours with Dr. T, who examined me from head to toe, listened to my concerns and addressed each one of them, I came away from that visit 1) with a f/u in 4 months with Dr. T; 2) an additional medication Amantadine 100mg daily for a month, then two times a day to help with my dyskinesia, discontinued my Gabapentin and added Lyrica 50mg three times a day; 3) Scheduled for an MRI of my neck (which is fused from C4 to T1 with an anterior plate and screws) to see if some of my symptoms could be arising from my neck again; 4) Referral to a specialist in Deep Brain Stimulus to see if I was qualified for it; and an 5) Occupational Therapy referral.

I cannot explain my feeling as if I was his only patient. I was astounded to say the least. I only wish my Veteran Brother's could fare so well in dealing with the Veterans Administration. I am eagerly awaiting my new medication (it is mailed to me) to see if it will help me. I am not keen on brain surgery, but I will hear what the doctor has to say. My scariest concern now is I may require another neck surgery (already have had four).

The lesson is...

The lesson is: Be Careful of What You Ask For, or Now that I have it, What will I do with It?

I really enjoy this forum Even if this doesn't get "published", it has given me the opportunity to look at all of this from a different perspective, has let me vent, and hopefully may help some one else who was like me and afraid to ask.

Thank You

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