Faith, Spirituality, and Chronic Illness

When it comes to living with a chronic illness, people rely on different things to help guide them through their daily struggles. Some people in the community have mentioned that their faith or spirituality is the main reason they are able to get through a difficult treatment or cope with the challenges of their diagnosis. Others have mentioned that they do not identify as being a faithful or spiritual person. Take the polls below to share if faith has been a helpful tool for you.

Where do you find strength?

The challenges that come with Parkinson's disease can be scary to face alone. Some people find strength from their loved ones, their fellow Parkinson's disease patients, or their faith.

Community Poll

What gives you the most strength?

Read about where our community finds inspiration in the article "Happy Thoughts to Help on Hard Days".

Faith guiding you through diagnosis

Faith can not only help people find strength and hope in difficult times, but faith can also help people navigate other areas of their Parkinson's disease diagnosis.

Community Poll

Has faith/spirituality helped you cope with your diagnosis?

Community Poll

Has your faith/spirituality changed since your diagnosis?

Community Poll

Does your help faith/spirituality guide your healthcare decision making?

Read about how John’s positive attitude and spirituality helped them navigate his diagnosis in "Staying Positive with Parkinson's!".

Accepting prayers from others

Offering prayers is one way people show support, but not everyone identifies as a faithful or spiritual person.

Community Poll

How do you feel when someone offers to pray for you?

Read about our advocate's outlooks on their diagnosis and how they cope with the day-to-day in "Feeling Thankful Even When It’s Tough".

Hear more about faith and Parkinson's disease

If you’d like to read more about living with Parkinson's disease and using faith as a way to cope, check out these articles:

How has your faith or spirituality guided and supported you through your experience with Parkinson's disease? Share your story in the comments.

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Community Poll

Do you get mood swings?