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Vivid Dreams

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in June 2022, I was 59 at the time. The most obvious symptom was a tremor in my right arm.
The biggest issue that I have now is my dreams...they happen virtually every night, usually just before I wake up, and are VERY vivid, yes it seems as if I am really there. They are not horrific or frightening but it takes me a long time to recover from them in the morning.

  1. @CommunityMemberf6983c Thanks for your note. Sleep disorders seem to be a constant issue for most of us with Parkinson's. Your vivid dreams may (or may not) eventually mutate into vivid nightmares or dreams you act out. The key is to tell your Movement Disorder Specialist/Neurologist. This is another way Parkinson's expresses itself. Hopefully, your Specialist will be able to develop a plan for your sleep issues because they are now included as one of your symptoms. My sleep issue is getting enough sleep each night, even to dream. And my Neurologist has given me a new strategy to try. Good luck, and talk to your Neurologist, Frank C for the Team

    1. I have recently found out that just any neurologist will not due. Be sure you have one who specializes in Parkinson's and movement disorder. It took me a year after diagnose to learn this. I was running around in circles by my first neurologist looking at perhaps having the deep brain stimulization surgery done. It was not until I got to the Parkinson's specialist that I found out that was not possible until after I had been diagnosed for 3 years. At the present time I have only been diagnosed for one year, even though I believe I have had it for two decades. It has been rather frustrating. As if the disease is not bad enough, to the proper neurologist specialist made it more difficult.

      1. Frank I don’t know much about dreams in general but have had vivid dreams since early childhood but not nightmares. I continue to have very pleasant dreams and frequently wake up smiling. Since this is very definitely pre PD I have not been concerned. My neurologist always asks if I act out my dreams or have nightmares which I don’t. I sincerely hope that doesn’t change! Thea

        1. I, too, have vivid dreams. I haven't had nightmares in a while. Generally, I enjoy the surreal aspect of what I get, and I find that I look forward to my movie-type experiences. That said, the thoughts and experiences I have prior to sleep do influence some of what I go through. Perhaps finding a way to "mellow out" before bed will keep the aspects of these dreams that leave you unsettled from happening. I agree with the other moderator's help offers and the idea of seeing a doctor. I recommend a sleep doctor in the respiratory world. My docs who I have operated with on that level were very professional and "get it."

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