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What do I have?

I was diagnosed with Parkinson 2.5 yrs ago... 1 yr ago we did a dap test and was told I don't have it. My Dr. said I have all the. Symptoms of the big P. No one has toLD me what I do have...this is driving me crazy. Any ideas?

  1. levodopa was my first medication,,and it made me feel so much better immediately, Inreased dosage as time passed,Good Luck

    1. , We are checking with PwP who has written to us before. How are you currently doing? We would love to hear from you. Best, Marc M., Advocate,

  2. levodopa was my first medication,,and it made me feel so much better immediately, Increased dosage as time passed,Good Luck

    1. Thanks

  3. , We are checking with PwP who has written to us before. How are you currently doing? We would love to hear from you. Best, Marc M., Advocate,

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