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Tongue Fasciculations

I am recently diagnosed early onset at 51. Does anyone else have tongue Fasciculations as part of their symptoms? My tongue twitches and squirms like a worm on hook at rest but doesn't seem to be affecting my speech or swallowing. Also have hand and leg tremors too but these are more "normal". Tongue thing is a but freaky to me .

  1. @communitymember2696, I do not experience the tongue movements you describe but imagine you will find others who do. What is good about joining in the conversations here is just this - finding support. Tremors i do understand. Thank you for sharing. ~Lorraine, moderator

    1. Tongue twitching can be a symptom of PD. Please read this article by a colleague who specializes in oral motor difficulties. Regards, Marc M.., Advocate,

      1. sometimes I feel like my tongue gets weirdly "tied up" in conversation. I'm not sure if that's what you describe.

        1. A nurse noticed my tongue twitching. I only notice it when I'm not using it.

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