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Perplexed at my sleeping patterns -- I have REM-SBD & Sleep apnea

I'm responding in a way that might seem strange at first - but I have a deep concern I can't make sense of. I got a health tracker (Fitbit) for Xmas. I'm trying to improve my overall health, you see. Since putting the device on my wrist, I've noticed the sleep patterns recorded (every night) are sans REM peaks... seems strange? I get heaps of light sleep (according to the readouts) and fewer waking patterns (this seems normal). REM and Deep sleep peaks seem mysteriously absent! Any ideas why this might be?

  1. @Pakemahac. The absence of REM and deep sleep are symptoms of sleep apnea. Long term sleep apnea is not good for health. It can put a strain on your heart and the lack of REM means you’re not getting rested. I experienced the same symptoms and found consistently using a CPAP device allowed me to have REM and deep sleep. You might mention the issue to your neurologist. He/she can prescribe a sleep study and from that, you’ll likely get a form of CPAP. Parkinson’s sleep disturbances are usually vivid dreams and, due to lack of dopamine, awakening early and unable to go back to sleep.


    1. Hey Phil... thanks for the informative response! I've known of my sleep apnea for the past 16 years and have been using a Resperonics CPAP unit since then. A GP in Australia first diagnosed S/A during a routine checkup. I told her I was a "walking zombie" at the time; but knew little else about my condition. My mates and other physicians paid little mind to it after undergoing a formal sleep study and purchasing my first CPAP machine.

      Strangely, since my PD diagnosis, my neurologist has shown little interest in REM-SBD whenever I mentioned it. At my last appointment, he suggested I try Melatonin before bedtime. I tried this, but it doesn't seem to help control the level of vivid dreaming I experience [almost nightly]. If I'm not experiencing sufficient deep sleep and REM sleep, what then? This has been all very perplexing to me. Anyone else want to chime in with your experiences, if any?

      1. I actually wonder if the fact that every day I can remember the details of my dramatic and usually unpleasant dreams, (indicating that I am waking up during REM sleep), have contributed to my getting PD.

        Still, I am reeling with fatigue and absolutely loathe the dreams.
        If I could go to bed at 9pm and be warm, undisturbed and worry free, perhaps I might sleep better. But I don’t think restorative nights are on my horizon!

      2. I'm not sure what melatonin does for SLB, but having had them, I have to say that I wouldn't appreciate a doc's lack of interest in it. Can you find someone to get you a 2nd opinion?

    2. I had a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea, but I would take it off in my sleep. My doc thought I was just knocking it off in my sleep because it didn't fit. I got a 2nd opinion and sleep study. Fortunately, I don't use CPAP anymore due to 2nd test results, and what's more, I have a new (and better) doc.

      1. Thanx, Dan! Hey... what happened in the 2nd test results which prompted yo to stop remaining reliant on CPAP as a therapy? I was told when I received my machine I would use it for the rest of my days. You don't use CPAP at all? Wow...

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