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Protective eyeware or masks to use while sleeping

I occasionally act out my dreams while sleeping and sometimes this involves semi-agressive behavior like punching myself in the face. I'm especially worried about my eyes. Anyone have these symptoms and have you found a protective face mask or eye goggles that you can recommend for effectiveness as well as comfort?

  1. I am in the early stages of parkinson, and my hands moves to my dream also. I thought it was weird, and I thought that I was the only one to do that in my dreams.

    1. Hi Sandbe, thanks for your quick reply. No, you are definitely not alone in these uncontrolled movements while you sleep, they're pretty common for Parkinson's patients as we tend to act out our dreams according to my neurologist. Do you ever kick your feet or punch with your hands while you're sleeping? You may not fully awaken from the dream but your partner may awaken and tell you about it the next morning.

      1. Dear Bartolo11, you are not alone in acting out your dreams. But at times, the action from a dream sequence turns violent (never intentionally), but protecting you and anyone near you is hugely important. Like for snow skiing, good unbreakable plastic goggles would likely protect your eyes. Contact your Neurologist because there are drugs that can be tried to control this aspect of your dreams. My Neurologist has me taking melatonin to aid the dream sequences I am experiencing. Don't hesitate to contact your physician with this story for your safety needs and act out of your dreams. Frank C. for the

        1. I punched my dog who was seeing if I was OK!

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