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Parkie jokes

Why isn't there already a joke thread on here? If we can't laugh at ourselves, in spite of our condition, what can we laugh at? I know not everyone will agree on what is or isn't funny, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Full disclosure: some would say my sense of humor is a bit twisted. My intention is not to offend, just to bring a smile to your face. As they say...go big or go home, so here I go...

Q: How do you drive a room full of epileptics crazy?

A: Ask somebody with Parkinson's to shut off the lights!


  1. Great idea. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves. My husband and I have a goal to enjoy as much laughter as possible and it is usually at our own expense. There is a post on the forum for a laughter journal. I will find it and forward it to you. Thea DeStephano
    Community Team Member

    1. Thanks!

      1. My father with PD has kept his sense of humor even now he is in the advanced stages at age 87. Thanks for the reminder to laugh. The best medicine! Best regards, Suzanne Troy, team member

        1. @secretsquirrel, I probably should not have laughed at your joke, but I couldn't help it. Perhaps some folks would not laugh for fear that others would not think it "politically correct" or whatever that is called today. I think we need humor to cope with PD. I know that I do. I send my apology to epileptics if my laughter offends them. Now, let's think of a joke that doesn't include folks with other chronic conditions. Maybe "how many people with PD does it take to change a lightbulb?" How would we answer that? I have an idea... (get it?) Lorraine, moderator

          1. LOL
            That was a joke I found online. My goal for original material would be to only poke fun at myself and my situation. I did feel a little bad about including others' misfortunes, but then I figured it was ok because our Chihuahua is epileptic. 😁

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