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So my neurologist says that him saying that I have Paranisom and I have an abnormal Datscan that Parkanisom encompasses Parkinsons disease is that true

  1. Hi I was wondering if you could expand on your post, I am just trying to understand what you are asking. Also, wondering if you had a chance to follow up with your neurologist about your abnormal scan? I hope you are doing ok. Jill, team

    1. If they say you have Parkanisom does that mean you have parkinsons. That is what I am asking

      1. Hi we have an article on just that- Parkinsonism vs. Parkinson's disease. I shared the link here - I hope this helps shed some light on the question. Wishing you well. -Jessica, Team Member

      2. Hi just wanted to check in on you and see how you are doing? Have you had an opportunity to get some clarification from your doctor? I hope so. Wishing you well. -Jessica, Team Member

    2. About 2 years ago, I received a life-altering diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. The treatment, primarily Carbadopa-Levadopa however, wasn't effective, leading to a hospitalization. This experience prompted me to seek a second opinion, which revealed a different culprit: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Be sure to get a second opinion

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