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off times

We have all heard of off days, but has anyone had off weeks or even off months? I have a few times, and think this is it...progressing and I'll never make it back, But my wife reminds me i"ve been here before and I'll be back again, which I have. But it's hell when you're there and you feel you've reached the bottom. Any tips, help would be appreciated. Diagnosed 10 years ago, 6 sinamet a day. Thanks, Bob

  1. Bob I am going through a few off weeks of not being able to exercise adequately due to extreme arthritis symptoms. Once I see pain management and can get some pain relief and back to PT I hope to be back on track. I have no real tips except to try to stay positive and address whatever issues seem to be holding you back. L know it is easier said than done. Have you considered counseling ? Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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