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Husband s Parkinsons

I'm very frustrated my husband was just diagnosed with Parkinsons, l have been saying this for two years, and not one of the heath providers seem to listen ,then a specialist's diagnosed and meds that he could have been taken 2 years ago where prescribed today 😢

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. It’s incredibly frustrating when you know something is wrong but it takes too long for others to listen. I hope the medication helps and brings some relief soon.

    1. I am in the same spot. A neurosurgeon observed my husband for a few minutes today based on observations of his nurse and is sending my husband to a neurologist for the confirming tests and diagnosis. I have been telling his doctors for over a year that he is stooped over, losing his balance, bp is getting lower and lower, face is non expressive, walks like Frankenstein, and they have all missed these clues. Granted he had other health issues they were focusing on like afib, open heart surgery, kidney stones, water in chest cavity, and lately extreme neck pain with headaches . I feel like we are trapped in a nightmare that isn’t going to end well!

      1. my heart goes out to you both. Our community certainly understands the overwhelming feelings that can accompany this process. I shared some information on the diagnosis process, just in case you would want to read more on it - And Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help locate any other information. We are here to provide support in any way we can. Sending hugs your way. -Jessica (Team Member)

    2. Hi our community can certainly relate to the frustrations you have experienced. I hope you know you are not alone. We are here for you. How are you and your husband doing this week? Wishing you both well. -Jessica (Team Member)

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