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Feeling well again

Am I ever going to feel well again? Or at least somewhat normal? I was diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago and it seems like every day I’m dealing with some symptom. It’s either muscle cramps, being slow as molasses, lightheadedness, being stiff as a board or having bladder issues. Is this the new norm or is there hope?

  1. Brian ,it takes some time to adjust to whatever our new normal is but I believe there is always hope. Hopefully you have been able to to connect with a movement disorder specialist .They have additional training and specialize in Parkinsons. By working closely together it can be possible to come to a solution to treat or avoid some of the symptoms you mention although it can be a lengthy process. I find it helpful to keep a daily log to share with my medical team as to what I am experiencing and when it occurs.They find this information useful in determining what steps might alleviate the issue. I am also a strong believer in keeping In communication on My Chart as a valuable resource.Most often questions are answered in 48-72 hrs . I wish you luck in finding hope despite the many
    challenges. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

    1. @brianwesson. Brian, welcome to our little club. Dealing with a progressive disease certainly isn’t just “ take a pill”. There are things you can do that make you feel better . One of those is exercise. By adopting some form of exercise, you can delay progress, stop it, or even reverse progression. Another way of feeling good takes some work. Accentuate the positive in all you see around you. People with a positive attitude live with a better quality of life and longer. I have progressed to the point I have difficulty walking. Yes, a bad thing. I’ve fought all the way and I take pride in that. Can’t hike rough trails? Walk groomed trails. Need help? Two walking sticks. Now paved trails. I’m still moving! Lots of tips on living the best life you can are on this site.


      1. I'm not a Parkie, but a caregiver and my husband has done WONDERFULLY with exercise! I highly recommend it!

        1. that is so wonderful to hear! Any particular type of exercise he prefers? Wishing you both well. Kindly, Jessica, PD Team Member

      2. I was diagnosed 3.5 years ago and, so far, I count myself as very lucky as my symptoms (left hand tremor) have not progressed in all that time. I am not on any meds and play competitive pickleball 5 days a week

        1. Thank you for your comment. As you are aware, continued exercising is very important to aid all of us with PD. Best, Marc M., Moderator,

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