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Feeling isolated

Does anyone else feel like people avoid you since you got your diagnosis? I was diagnosed in June of 2022, and calls and invites from friends have really decreased. I just want to scream " it's not contagious! I'm not an invalid!" I'm hurt and I'm angry. I feel like an Island. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this...
Have a blessed day everyone!

  1. Although I have felt isolated from certain acquaintances I try not to let it bother me. I understand that transporting me in and out of various vehicles can be quite the challenge. However I have always kept my circle small and tight and these are the friends that never forget to include me even if it takes some ingenuity on their part. Phone calls or visits every week keeps my spirits up as do Zoom calls. If you don’t already do so
    perhaps joining a local support group would give you the companionship you seek.Mine has done wonders for me. I hope you find some support among those who share the same challenges. Let us know if we can be of any assistance.This community cares and you can always contact us. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

    1. Hello, gave you great advice. Just to mention that you might check with your local park district to see if they offer a fitness program for neuro diseases. They might also have a support group to go along with it or you could form your own! Let us know how you are doing. All the best, Suzanne Troy, Team Member

      1. I've recently joined a Genealogy Group in my local area. I also meet with a walking group every Friday morn. I'm looking forward to joining a Tai Chi class soon. And even though these recent connections don't replace my thrill seeking days in the past when I was a daredevil (hang gliding, skydiving, scuba diving, etc.) and the old friends I had back then.

        I think I might even seek out a pickle ball connection as I am a tennis fanatic. You probably have thought of similar connections but sometimes a wee reminder might help give us that nudge to seek companionship.

        1. I was wondering if you have found any way to feel less isolated since we last communicated whether it be a support group, exercise class or another activity. Having something to look forward to can make our days that much more enjoyable. It can be difficult to reach out especially if you tend to be more introverted but I have learned that it is rare for someone to seek you out. I hope you have had some luck in finding a source of comfort. Please let me know how you are doing. We care about all our community members.Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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