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Dry eyes

I developed dry eyes this year. Went into Optometrist for a painful eye, thinking something was in it but made the whole eye socket hurt, headache. Turned out it was Shingles in my Retina and Dry Eye. Turns out having Parkinson’s I blink less often so I don’t create enough fluid in my eyes. I have to purposely blink more often but also use drops. Air blowing in my eyes is almost torture. I thought back for the last six months, I kept thinking my allergy meds were causing it or mascara dropping in. Sometimes it really good to get an answer to something really irritating 😂

  1. Shingles in your eye sound so very painful. I am glad you found out what was going on. Were you prescribed any medication for the shingles? Using eye drops and blinking purposefully are good tips. I also try to look away from my I pad every 20 minutes or so as suggested by my retina consultant as I have chronic dry eye and the dry form of macular degeneration. Prescription eye drops and an over the counter eye lubricant help as well. Our vision is a precious gift. Thank you for sharing valuable advice.
    Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

    1. Yes I took an oral medication for Shingles. The Dry eyes I think was coming on for months but didn’t know that’s what it was but makes sense. Neurologist confirmed and suggested purposefully blinking and drops. Wind and fans in my face makes it worse. Also drinking more water. Getting the drops in is interesting with shaking of hands and head

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