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I went to the ER for no bowel movement for several days. Long story short sent me home with Senna and stool softener taking it for 3 days still nothing ,I also tried prune juice, apple juice,tons of water. any suggestions

  1. I frequently have the same issue and am seeing a digestive specialist to see if they can find the cause and will be going for tests in two weeks. None of the recommended laxatives,Metamucil or prune juice have worked. Although I am not a coffee drinker I read that it helps with constipation in a health digest. I had a cup yesterday and today and it worked! The Drs goal is a bowel movement a day for me and if that works for me I will continue doing so even if I don’t really enjoy it. Perhaps it might work for you as well. Good luck. I know how uncomfortable a few days of constipation can be. Let us know how it works for you.We care and hope this brings you relief. Thea DeStephano Community Team

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