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blood pressure fluctuations

In the morning when I get up, my blood pressure is normal. After about an hour I can feel my blood pressure dropping as much as 20+ points. My neurologist says that he has had other patients report this. Needless to say, I have no energy to do anything. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  1. Hi sorry to hear you are experiencing this. I know others in our community experience hypotension. Did your physician offer you any advice as to what to do? In the meantime, I shared an article we have on orthostatic hypotension and PD - I hope this is helpful! Wishing you some relief. -Jessica, Team Member

    1. Thank you Jessica for your response. My neurologist prescribed a medication to raise my blood pressure so that when my BP drops, it is not so drastic. Frankly, that strategy has not improved my symptoms. I still am experiencing the same symptoms - dizziness, extreme fatigue, balance issues. Many thanks.

      1. sorry to hear the medication has not proved helpful at relieving your symptoms. Have you had an opportunity to follow up with the doctor on this? Continuing to wish you some relief. Hugs, Jessica, Team Member

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