My Experience - Mental Health is Crucial!Mental and physical wellbeing are equally important. I’ve learned the hard way. Medical emergencies like stroke, heart attack, and such may be more time sensitive, but mental health issues can affect... By Robert Hunt2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Health Care Decisions for Your FutureAn uncertain future can cause anyone anxiety. Caregivers often worry about making health care decisions. An important step you can take for your loved ones is deciding how your healthcare is managed... By Robert Hunt3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Chasing HappinessI have Parkinson’s disease and for me, that means sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I think and feel that "Life is pain." I'm at the stage of the... By Robert Hunt3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Tactics to Improve SleepHow’s your sleep? Are you getting enough? According to studies, the average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. More than 75 percent of people with Parkinson’s report issues... By Robert Hunt3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Balancing ActSo much of life is about balance. Balance affects almost every aspect of our lives including relationships. Keeping a healthy relationship in balance is hard and it becomes harder when Parkinson’s disease... By Robert Hunt3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments3 comments
My Experience with ImpulsivityThis is the second of 2 articles on dealing with impulsivity. In the first part, "The Problem of Impulsivity and Parkinson's Disease," I discuss the causes of impulsivity. My struggle... By Robert Hunt4 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Problem of Impulsivity and Parkinson’s DiseaseLife-changing circumstances, conflict in our relationships, and financial problems, often accompany a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Adapting to life with PD is challenging enough without adding side effects caused... By Robert Hunt2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Parkinson's Power Boost PlaylistMusic and music therapy can help make positive changes for people with Parkinson's disease. With the assistance of a music therapist, I've been experiencing therapy in new and effective ways... By Robert Hunt2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Crafting a Playlist to Fit Your MoodAlmost everywhere you go, music is playing in the background. From cars, stores, offices, and even a teen rolling by on a skateboard wearing a pair of earbuds, music is inescapable... By Robert Hunt3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments